Tailored solutions

for your unique ecosystem

Food systems

Food systems are essential for the development of societies and individuals. By understanding how they work and interact, we predict how they will behave.

Health systems

Human health is priority number one worldwide. We tell you how the present and future epidemics can impact your project and assets.

Energy systems

Wind, hydroelectric, tidal, fossil-based energy production and prices… you name it. We take care of the predictions.

Financial systems

Financial tools, such as parametric insurance and forecast-based financing, can help transfer risk out of your assets.

Human systems

Socio-economic analysis, monitoring and prediction of society-relevant variables, attribution and legal advice on climate migration.

Climate system

A variety of calibrated climate predictions, from weeks to seasons, to years, to decades, all tailored to your project needs.

  • Understand your ecosystem.
  • Monitor, predict, verify.
  • Tailor solutions to maximise wellbeing and profits.
At the core

Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.” –Richard P. Feynman

Our Clients

From worldwide organizations to development banks to ministries to small companies and individuals. See more info here.

About Us

We’re a boutique consulting firm based in Granada, Spain

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